29, January, 2019 By yoke_admin Posted in Part L Base Energy Jospice Charity Event Base Energy Jospice Charity Event On new years eve, our Managing Director Peter Kinsella and Operations Manager Shirley Hunter set up a private fireworks display for patients, family members and staff belonging to the St. Joseph’s Hospice (Jospice). This gesture was a way of Base Energy giving back to those with life-limiting conditions and trying to brighten up their festive period. The Jospice is the oldest and largest hospice on Merseyside providing long-term and specialised end of life care for patients who are seriously ill. Their 29-bed Inpatient Unit is located in a beautiful setting within a conservation area and 12 acres of natural woodland in Thornton, Merseyside. This is where the firework display was held (as can be seen in the images). The event kicked off with a Scotch Piper parading the area before Peter let off the fireworks. He quoted “I really enjoyed helping and it was great to be apart of such a well-organised day. The guys at the Jospice really are inspiring and we hope to be involved with the team again soon. “