SBEM Calculations and EPC

What is a SBEM Calculation?

SBEM stands for Simplified Building Energy Model. It is a software calculator created by BRE which assesses the energy consumption in a non-domestic building (non-residential).

It is used to demonstrate compliance with Building Regulations Part L2A New builds or Part L2B Existing buildings.

SBEM identifies ways to save money and improve a building’s energy performance and takes into account anything from fabric u-values, air tightness, HVAC, renewable technology through to summer overheating.

These calculations will determine the CO2 emissions and fuel costs of a building and what action needs to be taken to achieve a certain level to pass Part L compliance.

Why is SBEM required?

SBEM is required by law and technically should be requested at the design stage by your local building control. This ensures the scheme will pass early on before the build phase to avoid any potential challenges or expenditures along the line.

SBEM reports can only be carried out by a qualified Commercial Energy Assessor to level 4 and 5.

Following the completion of the SBEM report, an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) will then be produced which gives a property its energy efficiency rating. An EPC is for needed for the sale or rental of a non-dwelling and it is mandatory to provide it to building control.

How do Commercial and Domestic EPCs differ?

While both will assess the energy-efficiency for a property, a Commercial EPC applies to non-domestic dwellings, such as stores, offices, and warehouses. While you may only need one, in some cases, such as a single property containing both a non-domestic space and domestic dwellings, you will need to complete separate reports for each.

Why Use Base Energy for your SBEM Calculations?

At Base, we are here to guide you through the SBEM process and offer a seamless transition to help you meet compliance as quickly and smoothly as possible. Our services include:

  • Design Stage SBEM Calculations
  • SBEM Design and compliance advice
  • Predicted Energy Certificate
  • U-value calculations
  • As Built SBEM Calculations
  • Energy Performance Certificate

Our assessors are highly experienced in completing SBEM calculations, we are fully level 3, 4 and 5 accredited and can issue EPCs for commercial properties.

They will work with you to provide the most practical solutions to help you achieve a pass as well as offer guidance to help your development to go beyond building regulations.

As SBEM is a desktop exercise, all we require to complete your SBEM calculation, is copies of plans and specifications which can be emailed to us at

A site visit can also be arranged if required to provide advise on the design of the building to help pass the SBEM calculation. We can also apply discounts to developments with multiple developments.

If you would like to discuss a SBEM calculation with one of our specialist assessors, please call us on 020 3286 2016 or email and we will get back to you within the same working day.

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